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Your Clinic Day.

What can I expect from my day ?

The only equipment you need for you horse is a headcollar, and preferably a long rope - between 9' and 12' is ideal. 
Protective boots are optional.
What if leading my equine in just a headcollar makes me anxious?
We prefer no bridles - however - the most important thing is that you can start the clinic feeling safe and confident.
We feel that leading a bitted equine can actually close down a conversation rather than open one up, the bit can be a distraction from the subtleties needed to "ask" the equine questions about the obstacles.
You will be given help to understand this if you choose to use a bridle.
We recommend wearing a hard hat and gloves, for adults this is a personal choice.
For juniors 16 years and under it is compulsory.


If travelling to a venue you might want to make sure your equine has a hay net for the journey.
Most equines find the clinics quite hard work ! They involve a lot of thinking and processing which for some can be very tiring, they will be glad of a little munch.
A water bucket is essential.
You will be encouraged to take short breaks, so make sure you have something for yourself.

The clinic start and finish times have been tailored to suit the needs of your host and venue.
Please get in touch via the clinic support form if you have any questions regarding this.
Your day will start in the arena or yard with an introductory chat from your facilitator, they will explain any health and safety issues and give you a short introduction to the obstacles.
Use this time to ask any questions or concerns you may have.
This to be your day so please ask for help and support if you feel you need it.
All the equines will be asked to come into the arena together at the same time.
You will be encouraged to walk your equine around and let him look at the obstacles.
We want the energy to be calm and relaxed - most equines that come into the arena with a high energy and being "reactive" soon settle.
Please voice any concerns you may have.
Once the energy in the arena is low, the fun, exploration and play can begin ! 
It will be explained to you what the "requirements" are for each obstacle, but you will be encouraged to explore and have a conversation with your equine about each of them.
Communication - Connection - Trust - Understanding.
You will not have to do anything, that you feel is not appropriate for you or your equine.
The clinic will finish with a mini competition, with rosettes for all participants.
10 points are awarded to each obstacle. 4 points for effectiveness ( completing the obstacle as required) and 6 points for partnership. X10 obstacles = 100 points. A further 10 points are available for "expression" - good expression, is an an equine that looks at the obstacle with interest, but then looks to the handler and asks "is it ok to proceed ?"
Partnership - Relationship - Connection - Teamwork

Equine Agility UK awards the partnership not the performance.
Equine Agility UK Clinic day
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